Holiday Cocktails You Can Pair With Your Favorite Christmas Movies

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Most of us have been pouring a little more during 2020, who can blame us! While you get in the holiday spirit, you might want to pour a festive little cocktail to go with the flick. This list can help you pair the ideal merry mixed drink with the Christmas movie of your choice.

One of my personal favorites that I feel goes well with National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is the “Smoked Old Fashioned.” Especially after the Uncle lights the tree on fire lol

“A Christmas Story” and Holiday Negroni - In honor of Ralphie’s beloved Red Ryder BB gun, sip on this crimson-hued Holiday Negroni.

Elf” and Holiday Amaretto Sour - Buddy the elf can’t get enough sweet stuff, like his beloved maple syrup, and it would make a good swap for simple syrup in this Sparkling Amaretto Sour recipe.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” and Mulled Wine - The angel Clarence asks for mulled wine by name in this classic film, so it’s the perfect libation for you to sip with this movie. And this sweet-and-spicy mulled wine will warm you up while the story warms your heart.

“The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” and Deviled Margarita - For the old school Dr. Seuss movie, you’ll need something green and a little spicy, and this Deviled Margarita made with a hint of cayenne is both.

Every Hallmark holiday movie and Sparkling Rosé Cocktail - This bubbly concoction is a perfect match for those fun, fizzy romantic comedies.

Check out more recipes here:

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