Pregnant doctor pauses own delivery, helps deliver another baby in distress

I think all women are powerful and strong, especially those who’ve given birth. Dr. Amanda Hess, who’s an OBGYN, took the strength of giving birth to a whole new level.

She was at Frankfort Regional Medical Center ready to give birth to her baby when she realized another patient, Leah Halliday-Johnson, was in labor, her doctor was still on break, and the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby‘s neck.

Dr. Hess quickly went from birthing mode to doctor mode, “I just put on another gown to cover up my backside and put on some boots over my shoes, to keep from getting any fluid and all that stuff on me, and went down to her room and I knew her.”

Halliday-Johnson’s healthy daughter was born at 8:40 p.m. on July 23.

Hess gave birth to a healthy baby girl a short time later.

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